
Windows 2003: problem with running exe files

Today I couldn’t install some tool on Windows 2003 SE despite being assigned to the Admisnitrators group. Whenever I tried I get the following message:

Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropraiate permissions to access the item.

If you face such problem, first of all check what permissions you have. To do …



I learned SQL (basic and quite advanced stuff) at the univerity a few years ago. I’ve been using SQL commands quite often; it’s difficult to imagine an application or a web page without a database in the back-end.

Recently, I’ve discovered I remember little about using JOIN command in SELECTs. There are a few types of JOINs; however, I’ve been …


Initializer list and initializing derived class members

Initializer list in C++ looks like in the example below (see constructor od D class):

class B {
    B() { } 

class D : public B {
    int x;
    int y;

    D(int _x , int _y) : x(_x) , y(_y +1) { }

Now, what if class B had a protected member (z), which you had …

Load Test – Plug-In class not found

I wanted to change a load test so that it works similar to what Gabriel Szlechtman described in his blog. Additionally, I followed MSDN instruction on how to create a Load Test Plug-In.

So I created a new project with a plug-in class, added a reference to it from load test project and wanted to hook the plug-in with the …

ASP.NET powered with AJAX

For those who develop web applications in ASP.NET and want to learn how to include AJAX I recommend a series of video tutorial on ASP.NET AJAX.

The series is created (from time to time new videos are added) by Joe Stagner and others from the Microsoft product team. It teaches the basic tricks and explanations of how things should be …

Adapt your blog for mobile devices


Since I received Nokia e51 I’ve been browsing web pages with Opera Mini. This is a decent browser which makes reading pages easier but it can’t do all. The best case is when not only the browser cares to display the page best it can, but also the owner of the page does so, i.e. only important content is downloaded …

How to quickly add a logging to a coded web test?

A coded web test, as opposed to a basic web test, brings more flexibility to the developer: conditioning, looping, code re-usage, etc. If you haven’t created one yet, you can follow an instruction on MSDN.

Now, because a coded web test can have some logic inside, it makes sense to add logging so that there’s a trace on what’s going …

Stimator – estimate your website value

It’s all about being popular these days. After a while of having a web site you probably start wondering if anybody is actually interested in it. You can employ Google Analytics to get quite extensive statistics, you can use FeedBurner to track the popularity of you RSS channel, you can check the current page rank of your website. There are …

JavaScript: what if nested ‘this’ doesn’t work?

Note: Examples used in that post require usage of prototype.js.

Imagine you have a JavaScript class with some features related to the current view. One of the method in that class is supposed to add an observer on all anchors marked with class “delete”. That observer is also defined in this class. In other words, you have a number of …

5th Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning: Learning Technologies

A month ago, together with Jacek Jankowski and Filip Czaja, we wrote an abstract for 5th Annual Conference on Teaching & Learning: Learning Technologies. Recently, we have been asked to present the abstract on the conference, in the beginning of June.

Below, there is the abstract:

Adapting informal sources of knowledge to e-Learning.

The amount of information sources and the