Blog – 2 Column


Xobni is declared to be a new look at your email. Even the neme is tightlt connected to email – “xobni” is the word “inbox” backwords All in all, Xobni is a plugin for Microsoft Outlook that comes along with Microsoft Office. According to the authors Xobni allows: fast email search extract phone numbers from…

Summary of our work in DERI

In less than two weeks I’m living DERI. I’m going back home in Poland. The plan is to defend my Master’s Thesis. Before leaving, we (myself, Filip Czaja and Władysław Bultrowicz) are supposed to present the result of our work. We gave the presentation today. First, Filip introduced ourselves and showed the context of our…

Head First Design Patterns

Another book I recommend reading: Head First Design Patterns. I need to say I only managed to read it when I tried for the second time. First time I gave up after three or four chapters. Although I believed the provided definitions, examples, code snippets were good, I was fed up with all this Zen…

Media convertion

Many times it happened to me that I needed to convert a file from one format to another (text documents, images, movies, etc). It can be difficult and expensive to download different pieces of software that can do that. Media Convert service comes with helping hand. Let me cite the authors: Media-Convert is 100% free….

Unreachable catch block

Always contruct try-catch blocks in a way that assumes catching Exceptions from more detailed to more generic. Example try { String [] tab = null; System.out.println(tab[3]); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(“Exception”); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.out.println(“NullPointerException”); } The above presented snippet will cause compilation error: Unreachable catch block for NullPointerException. It is already…

Sun Certified Java Programmer

Okay, I’ve been working with Java for a few years now, starting from academia and ending with business solutions. So yeah, I think I can say I know Java and some of those technologies like J2SE, J2EE or J2ME, with their own standards and solutions. Therefore, I’ve decided I’d take Sun Certified Java Programmer (SCJP)…

Create a report with Reporting Services

If you want to create a report in 5 mins, you should follow this tutorial. All requirement software can be found there. I installed the following: The tutorial instructs you how to create the report (RDL file): how to define the data source, layout and how to preview the report. Once you’re done, you can…

Parser Error Message: This page allows a limit of 200 controls, and that limit has been exceeded.

By default, web.config of SharePoint (should be there: C:InetpubwwwrootwssVirtualDirectories80) defines the maximum number of controls as 200. Should you define more on a page you’ll probably get an error similar to this: Solution In order to fix it, edit this web.config. Find configurationSharePointSafeMode tag and change the MaxControls attribute to a bigger number. Once you…