Blog – 3 Column

Robust generation of XML documentation comments for C#

Writing comments is something you need to get used to; sooner or later you will understand it’s worth writing comments. Haven’t you find yourself in a sitation where you don’t understand what a couple of lines of YOUR OWN code do? I have… XML documentation comments are also important, particularly for public members/methods. Even if…

AJAX Control Toolkit – Could not load file or assembly vjslib

I wanted to play around with ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. There are a few steps to do before you can start using this tool. Among others, you need to build the Visual Studio Solution provided in the downloaded zip file. When I tried to build the solution I got this error: Error 1 Could not…

Some scientific actions

A few months ago, myself along with friends, wrote an article to the ICWSM ’06 conference which should have take place in Boukder, USA. The titke of the article was: “E-Learning on the Social Semantic Information Sources”. We wrote quite a few pages but the paper was rejected The reviewers stated it was quite good,…

Data Transformation Services

Recently, I’ve learned how to write DTS (Data Transformation Services) in SQL Server 2000. In general, this tool allows transformation of data: copying between different databases (by different vendors) and files (Excel, CSV, etc.). The idea is simple; the usage often priceless. The execution path of a package is defined using a kind of graph,…

Firefox add-ons

Firefox is a powerful web browser; it’s popular since it’s free and offers a great many add-ons and plugins that enhance its capabilities. I decided to present a set of add-ons I use and find useful. They are groupped in a few categories, which facilitates browsing. Developer tools Firebug Great extension that facilitates developing web…

Using PUT and DELETE methods in AJAX requests with prototype.js

Whenerver I write JavaScript I use prototype.js. I find it brilliant, especially when you deal with AJAX. With this library it’s easy to create an AJAX request and process its response from the server. To send an AJAX request you create a following HTML code: a link … $(‘ahref’).onclick = function() { new Ajax.Request(‘/some_url’, {…

Faculty research day

On 16th of April, there will be Faculty of Engineering Research Day at NUI Galway. Researchers will be given possibility to present themselves and what they are making research on. Those who apply shall prepare an abstact and a poster. I will present my research ideas, regarding my Master’s Thesis and what I working on…

C#, decimal.toString(), and how to get rid of trailing zeros

Today I spend A LOT OF time on trying to display a percentage – string representation of a decimal but without trailing zeros, e.g. 15.1% instead of 15.10%. In the application I already had NumberFormatInfo for displaying monetary values and percentages. An object of that type was defined as follows: NumberFormatInfo nfi = new NumberFormatInfo();…

How to dynamically add new columns to report created with Reporting Services?

Imagine you have a report that displays some data and the number of columns cannot be defined at the design stage, i.e. the number of columns depends on user input. That seems to cause some problems when you want to render this report with Reporting Services… Solution: Note: The described solution applies to the case…