Creating Your Own Dedicated CS2 Server: A Step-by-Step Guide

Setting up a dedicated server for CS2 (Counter Strike 2) enhances your gaming experience by providing control over game sessions. ...

NVelocity and XSS

NVelocity is a view engine for MonoRail. It’s quite handy and it’s not difficult to deliver such views. One of the flows I can ...

FOAF.Vix – the way to visualise your FOAF file

If you use Friend of a Friend (FOAF) files to describe your profile and want to provide it to the reader in a readable way ...


If you’re about to start playing with AJAX in ASP.NET it’s a good idea to read this book: ASP.NET AJAX In Action by Alessandro ...

Wireless Configuration: Incorrect MFC DLL version installed

Out of the blue when I started my laptop (Dell D600, Windows XP SP2) I started getting the following error: Wireless Configuration ...

Tricky example with polymorphism

Can you predict the output of the following code? class SubTest extends Test { public int aNumber; public SubTest() { aNumber = ...


A few months ago I wrote about Xobni, a plugin for Outlook. I created that post basing only on what I learned on their homepage. A ...

TFS vs. Subversion

Update, 2010-10-23 Note: After reading discussion on Martin Hinshelwood’s blog, I’ve decided to state clear I’m writing here about ...