Blog – 2 Column & Sidebar

LastGraph – visualize your music profile

Recently, I’ve told you about my excitement about Slightly later I’ve discovered an interesting service related to LastGraph. What it really does? Its auhor, Andrew Godwin says: LastGraph is a web application that makes graphs of your musical listening history from your profile. In other words, LastGraph creates a special graph that…

FCKEditor – how to access the HTML content from JavaScript?

Imagine you have a form in which you use FCKEditor as an inline HTML editor. So, inside script tag you have this: var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor(‘body_html’); oFCKeditor.BasePath = “A_PATH_TO_FCKEDITOR”; oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = “Basic”; oFCKeditor.Create(); As you know, this creates a textarea with id set to ‘body_html’ and make it look like an inline HTML editor….

Security in accessing reports on Report Server

Once you deploy reports on to Report Server they can be accessed from any Web application with an established URL. However, I see a scenario when one wants to prevent some users from accessing reports (e.g. a user should be able to view reports presenting only their personal information). The way around this is to…

How to manage trunk/branches/tags in the project while bug fixing and regular development?

Recently I’ve come across some problems on managing trunk/branches/tags. As a result of manual merging two branches I’ve ended up with hours spent on editing conflicts and checking the system. It’s obvious this was not a good sign as new bugs might have been introduced. I’ve decided to organise the way the revision control system…


Mixing generics with legacy code The above code won’t compile since all instances of a generic class have the same runtime class, regardless of their actual type parameters. Instead, you should do as below: This is also worth a look: Polymorphism and generic methods It’s the same with methods: The above method only accepts List<Superclass>,…

Listen what you really want!

I used to listen to Pandora, but that has been impossible for some time because it’s been suspended in Poland (and some other countries). Let me quote Pandora’s authors: We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for most listeners located outside of…

Reporting Services – “Your browser does not support scripts or has been configured not to allow scripts.”

When I run a report in the Report Manager using Internet Explorer (I had this issue on IE7) I got the following error: Your browser does not support scripts or has been configured not to allow scripts. Solution Should you get it as well follow the instruction below: go to (from its menu) Tools/Internet Options…

Java: == might work the same as equals()

It’s a rule that == is used to compare references, not values. To compare values for equality equals() method should be used. However, as of Java 5, you can also use == to check if two objects’ values are the same… But it works only for the following wrapper objects, if their primitive counterparts’ values…