
Summary of Communities to Communities (C2C) 2009 Conference

C2C is a history now. I attended .NET stream and one session on SQL. The conference as a whole was very interesting, well organised, and basically developing. It was a Polish conference so most sessions were conducted in Polish but there were a couple of speakers from abroad too, and they spoke in English.

Basically I’m happy I had a …

Registering different versions of .NET Framwework

It’s possible to have more than one ASP.NET IIS installed and registrated on one machine (that runs Windows).
To check which version is currently registered run Command Line (Start/Run… and type ‘cmd’) and go to %SystemRoot%Microsoft.NETFrameworkvXXX directory where %SystemRoot% is a special system-wide environment variable found on Microsoft Windows NT and its derivatives (read more on Wikipedia) and vXXX is …