Changes on my blog

A few days ago I made a few major changes on my blog:

The engine change went OK. Once I updated the files, there was a imprefections in querying database, but clicking the suggested link on wp-admin page solved them all.

Currently, when I have some free time I browse plugins and themes – still can find something better/new. So far, I’ve installed the following plugins and I’m happy with them (the descriptions used there come from the home pages of that plugins):

  • All in One SEO Pack – automatically optimizes your WordPress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization).
  • Google Code Prettify – this plugin using google-code-prettify to highlight source code in your posts.
  • Google XML Sitemaps – this plugin will generate a compatible sitemap of your WordPress blog which is supported by, Google, MSN Search and YAHOO.
  • Lightbox 2 – used to overlay images on the current page.
  • pb-techTags – enhances the_tags() by adding a link to Technorati to each tag.
  • SIOC Plugin – adds SIOC metadata export to WordPress blog.
  • Slashdigglicious – add user-submission icons and links at the bottom of each post: Digg,, etc.
  • Snap Shots Plugin – add Snap Shots to your website or blog. Snap Shots enhance links with visual previews of the destination site, including summaries of Wikipedia and IMDb, YouTube videos, stock charts, RSS feeds and more with just a single line of javascript.
  • SpamBam – a plugin that hopefully eliminates comment spam.
  • wp-cache – very fast cache module. It’s composed of several modules, this plugin can configure and manage the whole system.

If you can recommend other plugins, don’t hesitate to do that – just describe them in a comment to that post. Cheers!

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