I’ve just read an article about popularity of Web 2.0 and social networks in general all around the world. Quite nice article to me.
Basing on what the information passes there, in Poland we don’t have any popular social networking websites. To some extend it’s correct – if Poles use social networking websites, these are mostly Polish services, mostly unknown for people from abroad. Below, there is a list of the most popular (to me):
More and more Poles are blogging these days. I believe, the most popular blogging platforms in Poland are: blog.pl, Blox, Bloog.pl and blog.onet.pl. Also, Blogger and WordPress are frequently used.
Anyway, it’s good to know Poland is not a black hole on the World’s Internet map
If you think the abovementioned lists lack from any services, please let me know. We can populate this ranking together.