Reporting Services – deploying RDL files

In this post I’ll describe how to deploy RDL files using Report Manager (more often http://localhost/Reports or http://localhost/Reports$SQLExpress).
Note: This description applies to the situation where Microsoft SQL Server is used.

  1. Go to Report Manager
  2. Too keep all clean, you can create a folder in which you will keep all your reports
  3. Create the data source, if not yet existing, by selecting the New Data Source link.
    • Specify Microsoft SQL Server as the Connection Type.
    • Specify the database Connection String as follows:
      data source=[Name of database server SQL Instance];initial catalog=[Name of database]
    • Connect Using the Credentials stored securely in the report server and specify the user name and password used to connect to SQL Server instance installed in the database server.


Datasource configuration

  1. Upload the report by selecting the Upload File link and navigate to the RDL file stored in the system.
  2. Using Show Details view, edit the uploaded reports by selecting the Edit link.
  3. Under the Data source link, assign the previously created shared datasource as the source of data for the report.Note: The “Apply” button needs to be selected to apply the changes made for the report.


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